Hep C can damage your liver. The hep C virus can multiply up to a trillion times a day – even if you don't feel any symptoms.
Understanding Hep C
What is hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C (hep C) is a liver disease caused by the hep C virus and can become a chronic (long-lasting) condition.
Your liver is important to your overall health.
Hep C can damage your liver. The hep C virus can multiply up to a trillion times a day – even if you don't feel any symptoms.
You need your liver...
- to soak up nutrients from your blood
- to remove toxins from your body
The longer hep C stays in your body, the more the virus may be free to do damage.
The hep C virus can multiply in the liver up to a trillion times a day.
A hep C infection can cause inflammation, which can lead to liver scarring – also known as cirrhosis. This can damage your liver's function.
*Cure means the hepatitis C virus is not detectable in your blood months after treatment has ended.
Liver damage isn't the only risk that comes with having hep C.
Chronic hep C:
is the most common reason for liver transplants in the United States
can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 20%
can put you at risk of developing liver cancer
Don't wait to cure* hep C.

Talk to your healthcare
professional about hep C
Be prepared to help guide
the conversation.